I’m a big fan of deckbuilding games so I had a really good time with Slay the Spire. I didn’t think I was that in to roguelikes, but between this and Hades maybe I’m coming around. As with Hades, you don’t really mind dying since it just means you get to try out a new strategy and explore new card interactions. I also really like how each character has such a distinct playstyle while the fundamental game mechanics stay more-or-less constant. Unlike Hades, there isn’t much of an overarching plot to keep you coming back for more - it’s much more of an arcade-y experience to play in bursts when your in the mood. I think that if I had this game growing up I would have devoured it on long card rides. The only thing I didn’t really like is the art direction, which feels cheap and kind of amateurish. That’s not really the point of the game though, and you can tell that the devs put a ton of thought into the mechanics and game design and that more than makes up for it.

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