The central gimmick of Minit is that you respawn every 60 seconds, which I thought was going to be really annoying, but once I got into it it really wasn’t! It’s a very cute little game. Very clearly inspired by the original Zelda, but if that was one big puzzle whether than involving combat much at all. It’s one of those things where, because death is so frequent, it becomes trivial to die so any combat comes down to persistence and problem-solving skill rather than reflexes/mechanics.

I was impressed at how much they were able to do with the totally monochrome visual style! It lends itself well to a lot of the visual comedy going on. Again, very cute stuff.

Start to finish Minit is pretty short, but it’s chock full of collectables and secrets. I might suggest picking it up on a platform that has achievements for that alone. I have it through and while I love itch, it was a bit anticlimactic to find something that was clearly a secret and be like… oh, neat, I guess.

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